55 Reviews

Michèle Le Doeuff, The Philosophical Imaginary
Mary Tiles

Nicholas Costello, Jonathan Michie and Seumas Milne, Beyond the Casino Economy: Planning for the 1990’s
Kevin Magill

Rita Felski, Beyond Feminist Aesthetics: Feminist Literature and Social Change
Christine Battersby

Judith Dupont, ed., The Clinical Diary of Sandor Ferenczi
David Macey

Peter Sloterdijk, Critique of Cynical Reason
Peter Osborne

Madan Sarup, An Introductory Guide to Post-Structuralism and Postmodernism
Steven Connor, Postmodernist Culture: an Introduction to Theories of the Contemporary
Noel Parker

Chris Weedon, Feminist Practise and Poststructuralist Theory
Margaret Atack

Paul Rabinow, French Modern: Norms and Forms of the Social Environment
David Macey

Richard and Rosalind Chirimuta, AIDS, Africa and Racism
Martin Barker

Ann Ferguson, Blood at the Root
Alison Assiter

Terence Ball, Transforming Political Discourse: Political Theory and Critical Conceptual History
Graham McBeath

Stephen Yeo, ed., New Views of Co-operation
Vincent Geoghegan

Ann Thompson and Helen Wilcox, eds., Teaching Women: Feminism and English Studies
Patricia Prior

Roy Bhaskar, Reclaiming Reality: A Critical Introduction to Contemporary Philosophy
Tim Hayward

Gerald L. Bruns, Heidegger’s estrangements: Language, truth and poetry in the later writings
Joanna Hodge

John Fauvel, Raymond Flood, Michael Shortland and Robin Wilson, eds., Let Newton be!
James Moore

John Gerassi, Jean-Paul Satre: Hated Conscience of His Century, Volume 1
David Macey

J. N. Mohanty, Transcendental Phenomenology

Jacques Derrida, Edmund Husserl’s ‘Origin of Geometry’

Jean Starobinski, Jean-Jacques Rousseau: Transparency and Obstruction

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